Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Year Later in the Brave New World

It has been a year since my hysterectomy - an interesting year, swapping whatever was left of my fertility for a lot less pain, a lot less mess and hopefully better overall wellbeing. All is well there - some emotional blips now and then, bellies and newborns do make me take pause sometimes, but I'm good with how things are for the most part. Forty, on the other hand - is kicking my fanny. Kicking it but good. My wishes for this anniversary and my birthday in 2 months, that 41 will be a bit kinder to me - that I can get my brain back, cultivate whatever is left of my creativity and maybe reclaim some greater flexibility since I no longer have an excuse for "taking it easy" post-surgery. Who knows - the person whose physical exercise philosophy has always been "I don't run unless something is chasing me" may actually take up running. Or Yoga. I do a mean "dead man's" pose . . .


Kristin said...

I'm glad to see another post from you and glad t hear that, overall, the surgery has been a good thing.

loribeth said...

I have always enjoyed yoga (whether I can actually DO it properly is another matter entirely...!). The yogalates class I used to attend close to where I live is no longer offered, though :( & I am too lazy to haul my butt a few miles to the local rec centre. Maybe I will eventually find some energy & enroll! Good to hear from you!