Friday, November 6, 2009

Baby Mine

I planned on reading you many books

I was going to be the coolest mom ever

You would remember days spent at the park, the zoo, the library

I was never going to be too tired

If I had made half the outfits I planned on sewing you - there wouldn't have been enough days in the year to wear them all

You would always know how smart and amazing you are

There were going to be many days we made cookies together

I was never going to be impatient

I would listen twice as much as I talked

I was never going to be cross

There were always going to be crayons and playdough

There were going to be lots of games

Everything you drew would be a masterpiece and carefully preserved

I would never be too busy

Music and laughter would always fill the air

I would dry your tears, not be the cause of them

I would never forget how precious you are

I would never forget to thank God every day for you

I would never wish you would just grow up

You would never doubt how much I love you

I would have sung to you - every day.

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~i~ Aiden - November 7th, 1995 ~i~


Mrs. Spit said...

Remembering with you and abiding.

loribeth said...

A sweet post for a sweet little boy. Remembering Aidan along with you & sending you my love.

Kristin said...

Remembering with you. It can be so hard.

Lollipop Goldstein said...

Thinking of you, sweetie, and abiding.

Anonymous said...
