Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I Dreamed a Dream

"But the tigers come at night,
With their voices soft as thunder;
As they tear your hopes apart,
As they turn your dream to shame."

-Les Miserables-

Little angel, begun and not finished - you were always wanted. We would have had a beautiful life. For now, you will remain a beautiful dream.

~i~ Zach 6/3/95 ~i~


Mrs. Spit said...

Remembering with you.

Kristin said...

Thinking of you and remembering with you.

MrsSpock said...

Love that song...remembering Zach with you...

loribeth said...

Been thinking of you a lot lately, my friend. : ) I have a new computer & have been transferring over old e-mails, including a fat folder from you, going back to our days on SPALS!

Remembering Zach along with you. (((hugs)))