Thursday, April 21, 2011

Angel Day - Caelan 4/21/98

Heavy heart. Not just my angel, but another's. A 3rd grader at my children's school was killed in a house fire yesterday along with his adult sister and 16 month old cousin. How do you explain what makes no sense when they ask why?


Hope said...

Here from the LFCA. I'm so sorry for your loss. And the house fire on top of that. So sorry you are dealing with all of this all at once. (((Hugs)))

Mrs. Spit said...

Remembering with you. I'm sorry Julia.

loribeth said...

It doesn't make sense. :( (((hugs)))

Searching said...

I am so sorry. :( A very emotionally difficult day for you. It's hard to tell the kids you don't know why things like that happen. I'm sorry there are no answers...