Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year and Musings on being 40 something . . .

Let me be the first to say it, whoever said that 40 is the new 30 was full of it. After one year and almost 2 months of being ensconced in my 40's, I can unequivocally say that 40, well, sucks - like, a lot. Yes, I was a little new at the being 40 thing last year and I was willing to give a little latitude, but now I am 41 and let's just say that so far, this decade fits me like the pair of control top tights I tried to wrestle myself into this morning in a vain attempt for an extra layer for warmth. (I mean, seriously - what is up with the negative digits here? -7? and not an inch of snow to show for it? C'mon now really! At least if there were snow on the ground I could make a snowman and then throw ice balls at in my aggravation, but I digress . . . ) Anywho - yes, the control top tights that assured me that they were just my size somehow neglected to realize that I have not outsourced my thighs and my waist actually sits about 3-4 inches higher than they anticipated. So not worth the inch they "shaved off" of my overall measurements, because now I am twitching and scootching around trying to wiggle them back up constantly. The constant pulling and tugging upward of the waistband (and I use that term very loosely) has resulted in my fingernails tearing through and now I have a huge run that my stomach is starting to bulge through like some sort of nylon/lycra hernia. The inch they miraculously shaved off has ballooned into about 4 inches of dreaded muffin top and if I were in possession of a significantly shorter torso, I might be able to call it cleavage and shove it into my bra, but for all my indignity and assault on physical comfort, I will not be able to claim being well endowed and have to settle for just fat instead. My toes are numb, not from chill, but from the boa constricting like qualities of said tights wrapped around my thighs successfully cutting off circulation to the regions south of my knees. What does any of that have to do with infertility or loss you might ask? Not one diddly thing and this particular contribution of mine to the bloggy world certainly is not going to provide anyone with any epiphanies, BUT, it did make me feel a bit better.


loribeth said...

I'm glad that ranting made you feel better! : ) (It gave me a chuckle -- maybe because I recognized so much of myself in your words...!)

Re: the snow... all I can say is be careful what you wish for...! :p

Kristin said...

Rant away hon...I recognize a lot of this.