Hello! I know you don't know me, but we've got something in common. I got your blog address off the Stirrup Queen's blogroll and was wondering if you wouldn't mind helping me help a couple who is trying to add a little one to their family. We're holding a silent auction for them this weekend (Friday and Saturday) on goteamwitt.blogspot.com and need help getting the word out! We would love it if you would spread the word via social media or here on your blog. Additionally, we are always looking for more donations to auction off, so if you or someone you know might be interested in making a donation, all the information is under the donate tab. If you have any questions or would be willing to post a pre-written blog post about the auction and the sponsored couple, please contact Kristin at goteamwitt@gmail.com Thanks in advance for taking the time to consider this!
Pg #1 - 18 cycles, 6 on Clomid, 2 semenalysis - varicocele, 1 bouncing baby boy (csection) bladder trauma, post-op infection, 9 day hospital stay with catheter Pg#2- 1 cycle Clomid, mc 6.5 weeks Pg#3- 2 cycles Clomid, mc 12 weeks, intrauterine demise @ 10 weeks, d&c Pg #4 - 1 cycle, pg lasted 7.5 weeks - by this time in a tailspin of postpartum depression (PPD) and personal loathing. Started counseling, got rid of old doc and got a new one - added progesterone supplementation, Infertility workup Pg #5 - 3 cycles Clomid, 1 lovely baby girl born @33 weeks due to abrupting complete placenta previa after 2.5 week hospital stay on total bedrest, postpartum hemorrhage (csection) NICU baby 3 weeks, PICU 6 days a few months later for RSV Pg #6 - 1 cycle Clomid, ectopic pg ended at 8 weeks Pg #7- 1 cycle Clomid, loss of hb at 10 weeks, d&c, pathology showed genetically normal female but placental blood clot which could have led to demise; total infertility workup, chromosomal analysis, semenalysis, HSG and Saline Contrast U/S, referral to specialist - final dx: Hormonal Imbalance leading to Luteal Phase Defect, low progesterone and endometriosis Pg #8- 11 cycles Clomid at increasing doses to triple dose with HCG trigger shot and finally Follistim, 1 cycle, course of antibiotics, progesterone supplementation and aspirin therapy - 1 screaming, peeing baby boy born @36 weeks after major gall bladder attack set off labor and water broke, SCU 1 week PPD (Celexa) Pg#9 - 1 cycle Follistim, overstimmed, multiple ovarian cysts that started rupturing, 2 intrauterine sacs and one in right fallopian tube (heterotopic pg), threatened rupture/rupture at 6.5 weeks, laparoscopy for tubal- d&c for non-developing uterine pgs Pg#10 - 1 cycle Follistim following clear HSG, chemical pg ended 5.5 weeks Pg#11- 3 cycles Follistim, scheduled and scrapped AI due to poor ovarian response 3rd cycle which was also going to be absolute last, got pg anyway, progesterone/aspirin - 1 sweet baby girl @ 38 weeks (csection) Cholescystectomy 1 yr later to remove nasty gallbladder Pg #12 - Blow me down, I ovulated on my own! Confirmed pg at 8 weeks. Started progesterone and aspirin too late to really make a difference, but did it anyway - just in case. BIG baby boy at 38.5 weeks (csection) PPD (Effexor, Lexapro, Wellbutrin) PG #13 - Surprise again - guess last one wasn't a fluke after all, confirmed at almost 11 weeks after a lot of denial, no progesterone, stuck with aspirin, bad asthma - totally amped on Albuterol most of pg, 1 stunningly beautiful boy on Valentine's Day @ 39.5 weeks (csection) bladder tore during delivery, catheter 9 days PPD (Zoloft)
Current: Recently dx-ed with Adenomyosis (endometrial tissue grown into uterine muscle wall) 6 month course Lupron, Total Abdominal Hysterectomy September 17th, 2008
Aberrant among even those who would be peers - I have been infertile and yet fertile; a mom and yet not a mom. I have children who fill my heart and home and angels who fill my dreams and fuel the misty eyed wonderings of what might have been.
My Angel Choir
Zach, Hannah, Aiden, Caelan, Carena, Matthew Thomas & Lilith "Lily"
Me too, honey. Me too. {{{Hugs}}}
BTW, don't stay away so long. I've missed you.
Me too (re: both of Kristin's comments!) (((hugs)))
Hello! I know you don't know me, but we've got something in common. I got your blog address off the Stirrup Queen's blogroll and was wondering if you wouldn't mind helping me help a couple who is trying to add a little one to their family. We're holding a silent auction for them this weekend (Friday and Saturday) on goteamwitt.blogspot.com and need help getting the word out! We would love it if you would spread the word via social media or here on your blog. Additionally, we are always looking for more donations to auction off, so if you or someone you know might be interested in making a donation, all the information is under the donate tab. If you have any questions or would be willing to post a pre-written blog post about the auction and the sponsored couple, please contact Kristin at goteamwitt@gmail.com Thanks in advance for taking the time to consider this!
Here from LFCA. Thanks for sharing your story.
And remembering with you. For yours and mine.
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