Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Thanks to CLC of "Please Give Me Back My Heart" I have been tagged for the very first time!

For this game of blogger tag:

Mention six quirky, yet boring, unspectacular details about yourself. Tag six other bloggers by linking to them. Go to each person’s blog and leave a comment that lets them know they’ve been tagged. If you participate, let the person know who tagged you you’ve posted your quirks!

Quirk #1 - I have this thing about doors. I cannot stand open doors - closets, cupboards, etc. I will go around shutting doors. If you want to drive me slowly buggy, leave a door ever so slightly ajar. I may be at your home and I will shut your doors for you . . .

Quirk #2 - I have to sleep in pajamas. No matter how hot it gets (temp wise - minds out of the gutter people!) I must be appropriately attired for sleeping. The reasons are not so much prudishness (or even religious) as practical and paranoid. I have to wear pajamas in the event of a fire. Yes, in the event of a fire, because I do not want to be standing sans accoutrements outside my house when the firemen show up. I know I would die trying to find clothing and I have a few other things (people perhaps) I would much rather grab on my way out. I wouldn't want to waste precious escape time on trying to find a pair of pants and a matching clean shirt . . .

Quirk #3 - (Boy, this is harder than I thought!) As Mrs. Spit will attest, I have a propensity for overuse of ellipses . . . (and if that isn't spectacularly boring, I don't know what is!)

Quirk #4 - I could carry on a conversation with a rock. Don't ask; just use your imagination and you would probably get it right. I would say it is a gift, but some people would just call it "talking to hear myself talk." (Hey, at least the rock never interrupts . . .)

Quirk #5 - I will wash and fix my hair before going to the hair salon to have it - ahem - washed, cut and styled. Similarly, I could be at death's door and I will shower, fix up and dress nice to visit the doctor when I am sick and supposed to look awful. If I have not done this as preparation prior to my appointment, I am probably deceased.

Quirk #6 - No matter how comfy they might be, I just cannot bring myself to wear sweatpants outside of the house for errand running - even if not planning to get out of the car. Sweatpants are for exercise, gym class or for sleeping in - on the off chance there might be a fire.

Tagging: Kristin (An Ordinary Life); Judy (I Just Can't Keep My Mouth Shut!); Just Me; Kim (OB Nurse); Searching; & Kathy (Three of a Kind Working on a full house)


MrsSpock said...

I have a major ellipses problem too...

loribeth said...

I've been tagged for this one too. I can't leave the bedroom without making the sure the closet door is firmly shut either. ; )

CLC said...

I like how you primp to get pampered!

Anonymous said...

Done! Thanks!

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

You are so adorable, love the quirks. One of my many quirks is I can't eat cheap chocolate, only the good stuff. What's up with that? I also wanted to give you a (Hug) and let you know I've been thinking about you and your family.

Just Me. said...

Thanks for tagging me! Sorry for coming back to you this late! Been really moody lately.

Anyway, you're just so cute!!! I am with you on Quirk #5! LOL. :)

Kim said...

Thanks I have my post up! Kim

Searching said...

You are so funny! I am still perfectly happy sitting on a chair in my mom's bathroom as she gives my long hair a quick trim, just as she has the last 27 years. I can count the times I've had my hair cut at a salon on one hand. Styled only for prom and when I'm in weddings. So funny that you get all primped up beforehand. :) I might do this today or tomorrow if my nerves are shot and I need something to take my mind off everything.